
Virtual C2C Guide

Table of Contents

What is a Virtual C2C?

Since the Call to Conversation program began, it has always been a way to connect people through meaningful dialogue. We believe genuine conversation is a gift everyone should enjoy, and with a Virtual C2C, you can join in from just about anywhere. You’ll participate in a video conference style conversation with a small group of people. The conversation will be led by one of the participants and will focus on a particular topic.

What do I need to participate?

  • Internet connection and internet browser (or the Zoom app if using mobile device)
  • Video capabilities - Through a built in camera on your laptop, tablet or phone, or through an external webcam.
  • Audio - Through internal speakers on your laptop, tablet or phone, or with a set of headphones. It may be helpful to have headphones with a built-in microphone.

Call to Conversation: What to Expect

The desired outcome of this conversation is simply for participants to value the experience enough to seek out more conversations — with each other and with Wake Forest — about topics that matter. To help achieve this outcome, a moderator or conversation leader will guide the flow of conversation in a way that enables everyone to identify and articulate their common values, common aspirations and common struggles.

Conversation Structure: Reveal, Connect, Empower


In a moderated discussion, participants respond to an opening prompt, revealing something about their experiences and perspective.


Once everyone has had an opportunity to introduce themselves and answer the prompt, the moderator/conversation leader will ask follow-up questions to the group based on what was shared. During this time of more free-flowing conversation, points of similarity and broader themes help the participants connect around common values.


This wrap-up time gives everyone a chance to reflect on the experience, share take-aways with the group or share something they’ve been thinking about but have not said out loud yet. Participants leave informed by the conversation and empowered by a strengthened sense of community.

Technology Guidelines

Before the Virtual C2C:

  • Take into account your home internet bandwidth and consider asking your co-habitants to limit their internet use during your Virtual C2C.
  • Try to be on time like you would for any other Call to Conversation! Make sure your technology is working before the scheduled meeting time.

During the Virtual C2C:

  • Be flexible! Give each other grace with technology issues and help each other.
  • Consider muting yourself when you’re not speaking, but don’t forget to unmute when you’re ready to speak again!
  • Address each other by name. It can be more difficult to pick up on who is being spoken to in a video call.
Two examples of our Virtual C2C Backgrounds you can download on our website.

If you are concerned about using Zoom and would like to do a trial before your conversation, reach out to the C2C team at c2c@wfu.edu.

c2c@wfu.edu | 336.758.2172 | #CalltoConversation